As she grows closer to the Darkling, she develops feelings, but these feelings end up blinding her to his true intentions: to use her power to amplify his own. She discovers that she's a rare and powerful Sun Summoner who can harness the power of light itself, the complete opposite of General Kirigan. But upon meeting danger in the darkness, Alina's long-dormant abilities make themselves known, and General Kirigan, better known as the Darkling, takes her under his wing to harness her power. She joined the Ravkan army alongside her childhood friend (and unrequited crush) Mal, and they are both selected to embark upon an expedition into the Fold in order to redraw old maps. There is a wide range of Grisha powers among every Grisha in Shadow and Bone.When we first meet Alina Starkov, she's an orphan mapmaker for the Ravkan army who's always stood apart from the pack thanks to her half-Shu heritage. Materialki are the lowest ranking Grisha, but some of the most useful. Their kefta are blue, again with their embroidery dividing them further among their Grisha order.

Following Coporalki in the hierarchy are Etherealki. They wear a crimson-colored kefta with different colored embroidery designating which type of Coporalki they are in the Grisha orders.

Initially, Corporalki are treated as the best of the Grisha, unofficially considered the highest ranking of the Grisha in the Second Army. Each order of Grisha wears a particular color of embroidered kefta to indicate their ability. Materialki, also called Fabrikators, can manipulate materials like steel, glass, and chemicals. Etherealki are summoners, who can manipulate natural elements. Corporalki are the Order of the Living and the Dead, who can manipulate the human body. There are three orders of Grisha: Corporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki. As the second season of Shadow and Bone demonstrates, Grisha live very different lives in other parts of the world, not drafted into an army simply because they are born with gifts that differ from other citizens. The examiners then take any discovered Grisha to the Little Palace for training, where they live in luxury among the other Grisha until they are dispatched for service in Ravka's Second Army. Types of Grisha are usually identified as children by traveling Grisha Examiners, but occasionally Grisha children are hidden away or repress their powers during the test. This distinguishes the Small Science from merzost, real magic, which feeds on the user’s life to create something from nothing, a highly dangerous and volatile practice. They can manipulate different elements and materials at the molecular level. Among the Shadow and Bone powers, the Grisha do not consider their abilities magic, instead referring to Grisha magic as the Small Science. The different abilities of all types of Grisha might seem like magic - manipulating elements or the human body - but they are not. Grisha (pronounced gree-sha for those new to the Shadow and Bone series) are the superheroes of Leigh Bardugo’s fictional world.